About Us

SpeedLink3 Communication And Technologies mainly produces cloud-based enterprise business software named “AIBM || Cloud ERP Software“ (The AIBM Full Form is Accounts, Inventory, And Business Management) and also provides web hosting solutions. Are you looking for business management software? We are developing any kind of multi-complex accounting software as per your needs. We pay attention, research, and analyze our context before we start because we always do our best on every project.
Domain Name Registration, Renewal Services in Bangladesh
Cheapest domain in Bangladesh & we are providing a full domain control panel for every client.
NVMe Singapore VIP Web Hosting in Bangladesh
SSD Reseller Hosting based on NVMe Drives is 900% FASTER than Traditional SATA Drives and 200% FASTER than the latest SSD Drives. Sure, SSDs are fast but V-NAND NVMe SSDs take things to a Whole new LEVEL! Our Corporate VIP Reseller Plans come with 40 CPU Servers – 128GB RAM and Powerful NVMe Drives. Check Our NVMe Web Hosting Partner Price List…
Cheap Web Design & Development in Bangladesh
We design web templates & develop websites as per any requirement & that is our special criteria. You may contact us if you want to build your website with your unique idea.
We also provide high-quality, low-cost websites and services, primarily to low-finance organizations and small businesses. Our goal is to provide our customers with affordable and high-quality services.
Best SEO Services in Bangladesh
In comparison to digital advertising, it’s by far the most cost-effective way to get online enterprise. Nowadays, everyone has a smartphone and uses Google to search. The majority of people never search on Google’s second page. The funny meme going around the internet is that The best place to cover a dead body is on page 2 of Google search results. According to the most recent survey, 90% of people are satisfied with the first-page results- “Now we are providing search engine optimization services at a Very Low Price.” We can get your website to the first page of Google.